Our Roadmap

Embark on an extraordinary venture with us as we aspire to redefine cancer screening. While our ultimate goal is to become the universal screening test for all cancers, we understand that monumental journeys commence with a single, decisive step. Explore our roadmap below, envisioning the transformative path ahead.

Currently, we are validating a screening model for prostate cancer only.

In the future, our one test will screen for many diseases!

Model Performance

The best way to measure the performance of a disease model is known as the 'Area Under the Curve' of the 'Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve' or AUC for short. This metric goes from 0.5 to 1.0, where:

  • AUC = 0.5 is a random test
  • AUC = 1.0 is a perfect test


There are diminishing returns, meaning it's easier to get from 0.5 to 0.6 than from 0.8 to 0.9. Here's how tests are rated:

  • AUC = Below 0.8 is a bad test
  • AUC = Above 0.8 is a good test
  • AUC = Above 0.9 is an excellent test
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Steps to Finalizing a Disease Model

1. Academic Research

Understand how the literature indicates our test will perform at screening a new disease

2. Analytical Validation

Create a prototype with new urine samples and train a new algorithm for this specific disease

3. Clinical Validation

Conduct a blinded study to confirm the accuracy of the new disease model

3. Models Clinically Validated

Prostate Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 7.8%

Our Test: AUC = Work in Progress

PSA Test: AUC =  0.68

2. Models Analytically Validated

Prostate Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 7.8%

Our Test: AUC =  0.88

PSA Test: AUC =  0.68

Kidney Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 2.4%

Our Test: AUC = 0.94

Competitor Test: None

Bladder Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 3.2%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.96

Competitor Test: None

1. Models Academically Researched

Breast Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 12.5%

Indicative Research: AUC =  0.91

Mamogram Test: AUC = 0.78

Lung Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 12.2%

Indicative Research: AUC =  0.95

Competitor Test: None

Colorectal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 10.7%

Indicative Research: AUC =  0.89

FIT Test: AUC = 0.92

Stomach Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 6.0%

Indicative Research: AUC =  0.95

Competitor Test: None

Liver Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 5.0%

Indicative Research: AUC =  0.96

AFP Test: AUC = 0.94

Cervix Uteri Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 3.3%

Indicative Research: None

hrHPV Test: AUC = 0.74

Esophageal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 3.3%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.86

Competitor Test: None

Thyroid Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 3.2%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Global Cancer Incidence: 3.0%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.82

Competitor Test: None

Pancreatic Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 2.7%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.86

Competitor Test: None


Global Cancer Incidence: 2.6%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Endometrial Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 2.3%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.81

Competitor Test: None

Lips & Oral Cavity Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 2.1%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None


Global Cancer Incidence: 1.8%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Ovarian Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 1.7%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Brain & CNS Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 1.7%

Indicative Research: AUC = 0.85

Competitor Test: None

Laryngeal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 1.0%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Multiple Myeloma

Global Cancer Incidence: 1.0%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.7%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Gallbladder Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.6%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Oropharyngeal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.5%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Hypopharyngeal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.5%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.5%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Testicular Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.4%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Salivary Gland Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.3%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Vulvar Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.4%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Penile Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.2%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Kaposi Sarcoma

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.2%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None


Global Cancer Incidence: 0.2%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Vaginal Cancer

Global Cancer Incidence: 0.1%

Indicative Research: None

Competitor Test: None

Be part of the movement for early detection via spectroscopy of urine and artificial intelligence

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